
Although CSS is a different language than HTML, it’s possible to write CSS code directly within HTML code using inline styles.

To style an HTML element, you can add the styleattribute directly to the opening tag. After you add the attribute, you can set it equal to the CSS style(s) you’d like applied to that element.

The code in the example above demonstrates how to use inline styling. The paragraph element has a styleattribute within its opening tag. Next, the styleattribute is set equal to color: red;, which will set the color of the paragraph text to red within the browser.

You might be wondering about the syntax of the following snippet of code: color: red;. At the moment, the details of the syntax are not important; you’ll learn more about CSS syntax in other exercises. For now, it’s important to know that inline styles are a quick way of directly styling an HTML element.

If you’d like to add more than one style with inline styles, simply keep adding to the style attribute. Make sure to end the styles with a semicolon (;).